Tips and Tricks to Get the Best Seats on Flights

The biggest complaint about airlines is the seats. Uncomfortable seats are major problem to passengers who love space or more legroom in their seat. Everyone whoever has traveled has faced the shortage of legroom, the war over armrest or small child kicking back of your seat. No one can assure you a perfect ideal seat in the exit or front of the plane but you can check out some tips to nab out one of the best seat on a plane. The best place to sit on a plane: The best seat are the exit row, aisle or window seats, and close to the front are typically said as the best seats you get on any plane. On any occasion it may be long haul or short haul flight trip you might want an aisle near the front of the plane so, that you leave smoothly on arrival. For an overnight flight you might want to opt for a window seat so you can rest your head or nervous first time flyers may sit over the wing, where there is less turbulence. The exit ...